In this literature review, the effects of Gentle Human Touch and touch massage on growth, stress and sleep behaviour in preterm infants are reviewed. Also the effects of touch massage and osteopathy on growth, stress and sleep behaviour in full-term infants are reviewed. This article analyzes and critiques studies on the effect of tactile stimulation on premature and full-term infants Findings from the reviewed studies suggest that GHT administration in preterm infants causes a reduction in cortisol and norepinephrine, suggesting lower stress. GHT also causes a decrease in level of awake states. Touch massage leads to an increase in growth, demonstrated by an increase in weight gain, a reduction in stress, an increase in deep sleep and a decrease in active sleep suggesting a more relaxed and less aroused behaviour. Osteopathic technique has been shown to reduce crying and increase sleep in infants suffering from colic. Overall touch massage and osteopathy have been associated with positive effects. A lot of the studies included in this review have a number of methodological limitations, increasing the risk of error and bias This review concludes that positive effects of GHT, touch massage and osteopathy have been found, but that more research is necessary.