The assessment of contact stress in the hip joint after operative treatment for severe slipped capital femoral epiphysis

International Orthopaedics


We determined contact stress on the articular surface of the hip joint in a group of patients who underwent operative treatment for severe slipped capital femoral epiphysis. Two different procedures were considered: the modified osteotomy of Dunn-Fish and the osteotomy of Imhauser. In order to determine the stress distribution, a three-dimensional mathematical model was used taking into account the geometrical parameters of the pelvis and hip, which were measured from standard antero-posterior radiographs. We found that the Dunn-Fish procedure produced lower peak stress than the Imhauser procedure.

Zupanc, OAntolic, VIglic, AJaklic, AKralj-Iglic, VStare, JVengust, RGermanyInt Orthop. 2001;25(1):9-12.