Some histological aspects of the hip joint capsule in the vervet monkey

Journal of Morphology


Microscopic studies show that the capsule of the hip joint in the vervet monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops pygerythrus) is preponderantly collagenous. Among the collagen fiber bundles are varying quantities of elastic fibers that demonstrate a definite, differential regional distribution. The highest concentration of elastic tissue is found in the posterior, postero-inferior, and inferior aspects of the hip joint capsule, whereas the anterior and superior aspects of the capsule are preponderantly collagenous. It is postulated that this regional distribution of elastic tissue is related to the differential functional requirements of the posterior, postero-inferior, and inferior aspects of the capsule for flexibility and stretchability. These requirements appear to be a consequence of the habitual postures and locomotory positions assumed at the hip joint by these primarily quadrupedal primates. Collagen, on the other hand, being much more resistant to deformation and relatively noncompliant, is the predominant tissue in the anterior and superior aspects of the joint.