Title | Osteopathic treatmen of tonsilitis by manipulations of the hypomobiles vertebras T8-T12 |
Secondary title | osteopathicresearch.com |
Author(s) | Luceño Mardones, Agustín |
Date | 2008 |
Kinderen: Reflux
Title | Samenvatting |
Author(s) | Kempen, van, Saskia |
Date | 2005 |
Title | Influence of “GERD” label on parents’ decision to medicate infants |
Secondary title | Pediatrics |
Date | 2013 |
Title | Estudio de las Disfunciones Somaticas presentes en pacientes diagnosticados de hernia de hiato. Estudio de casos y controles |
Secondary title | osteopathic-research.com |
Author(s) | Casulleras Escarp, Nuria |
Date | 2015 |
Title | Comparative study of diaphragmatic dysfunctions in infants receiving treatment at the ESO teaching clinic according to their type of birth process. |
Secondary title | osteopathicresearch.com |
Author(s) | Rebouillat, E |
Date | 2013 |
Title | The osteopathic treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) – a observational study |
Secondary title | osteopathic-research.com |
Author(s) | Nerreter, A. |
Date | 2006 |
Title | Management of paediatric GERD |
Secondary title | Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology |
Author(s) | Vandenplas, Yvan |
Date | 2014 |
Title | Research as to the added value of osteopathic approach in case of gastroesophageal reflux in infants |
Author(s) | Degezelle, Guy |
Date | 2013 |
Title | Gastroosophagealer reflux bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Darstellung derzeitiger Behandlungsmassnahmen und Therapieansätze |
Author(s) | Eser-Bindle, Ulrike |
Date | 2013 |
Title | Evaluation of Gastroesophageal Reflux in Infants Treated with Osteopathy Using the I-GERQ-R Questionnaire |
Secondary title | XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013 |
Date | 2014 |
Title | Diaphragm treatment for the gastroesophageal reflux symptom in patients with hiatal hernia |
Secondary title | osteopathic-research.com |
Author(s) | Lopez Zorzano, Joseba |
Date | 2014 |
Title | Osteopathic manipulative treatment for the treatment of hospitalized premature infants with nipple feeding dysfunction |
Secondary title | J Am Osteopath Assoc |
Date | 2011 |
Title | Osteopathische behandeling van de gastro-oesofagale reflux ziekte |
Author(s) | Grotens, L.H.J. |
Date | 2002 |
Title | Der osteopathische Ansatz bei der gastroösophagealen Refluxerkrankung im Säuglingsalter |
Secondary title | osteopathic-research.com |
Author(s) | Haindl, Melanie |
Date | 2009 |
Title | Osteopathie und gastro-ösophageale(r) Reflux (Krankheit) Die Rolle des Zwerchfells bei der gastro-ösophagealen Reflux-Krankheit |
Secondary title | OSD |
Author(s) | Vos, Chris |
Date | 2014 |
Title | W1077 Prospective Study of Osteopathic Manipulative Technique Increasing the Lower Esophageal Sphincter Pressure. Comparative Study With Control Group |
Secondary title | Gastroenterology |
Date | 2010 |